Child Care Matters
Forcing Children away from their Biological Families
brings shame to
'The Family Division Units'

One Love

2013 - We share the repeated lies , to the hidden documents , the silence of voices , disturbing Social Service Workers, CEO's & management , to The Lords holding them to account on the other side of the coin.
Updating link 4th October 2023 Community Challenge ( CC )
This site will help to see and provide support against the secret Family Courts in the UK.
Welcome to Family Public Care
''Care' The word they took out of the public services within 'The 'Familly Courts' Stealing children?

When we take away the family bond James W Prescott shows in his studies the serious effects of family Division
The Natural Bond.
I was made acutely aware of the extraordinary importance that the early sensory-social environment has upon brain development and behavior in children to adult hood. James W Prescott done his studies for the White House
Perinatal Psychology Journal, By James W Prescott
'The beginning of my quest to understand the origins of human love and violence was partly rooted in my doctoral training in developmental neuropsychology and psychophysiology at McGill University, Montreal, P.Q. Canada where I was made acutely aware of the extraordinary importance that the early sensory-social environment
p. 144, Spring 1996, Pre- and Perinatal Psychology Journal
has upon brain development and behavior. The pioneering studies at McGill in the 1950s and 1960s documented that social isolation rearing of puppies results in not only aberrant adult emotional-social behaviors but also in abnormal brain development and functioning.
by James W Prescott..