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When we take away the family bond James W Prescott shows in his studies the serious effects of  family Division

The Natural Bond.


 I was made acutely aware of the extraordinary importance that the early sensory-social environment has upon brain development and behavior in children to adult hood. James W Prescott done his studies for the White House



 Perinatal Psychology Journal,  By James W Prescott



'The beginning of my quest to understand the origins of human love and violence was partly rooted in my doctoral training in developmental neuropsychology and psychophysiology at McGill University, Montreal, P.Q. Canada where I was made acutely aware of the extraordinary importance that the early sensory-social environment



p. 144, Spring 1996, Pre- and Perinatal Psychology Journal

has upon brain development and behavior. The pioneering studies at McGill in the 1950s and 1960s documented that social isolation rearing of puppies results in not only aberrant adult emotional-social behaviors but also in abnormal brain development and functioning.

 by James W Prescott..

James W. Prescott -The Intelligence of Play

When authorities force a child away from the care of their natural biological family we see very serious health and well being issues to children and their families. By watch and feeling all the effects since having my children forced from my care I feel the serious effects to my own health, my children's the emotional and future emotional harm it has on each and everyone of us.

It's truely shocking I have never felt so ill in my whole life. God knows what the effects are on our children who have always been loved and cared for.....After watch James W Prescott you'll see how horrific family division is.



When we  see abuse within the care system and we are now seeing parliament hiding the sex scandals with the care system where we are hearing the many accused MP s and other members of sexually mentally and physically abusing children within the care system of the local authorities.  


What they call corporate parenting.

Seeing & Feeling the Parental Alienation

Seeing children and parents prescribed drugs to suppress their  emotions when suffering the effects of being forced away from their loved ones is BIG news at the moment where we are hearing on google the amount of drugs being prescribed to children and their parents when they are in a state of shock on being forcibly seperated.


Forced Corporate Care.  Adoption, Fostering, Kinship, special guardianship is a serious crime when force is being used. And we are hearing from the 1000s of families having their children forcibly removed from their care.... This is a serious crime.

We are  sharing here the, causes & effects of children forced in to care, a care system, and where it leads;  'We do Know'!

 Family division leading to>

Harm, Abuse, Rape , Violence, Emotional & Mental health to the well-being of every child and their families.

There is always a wall of silence within the local authorities when families are trying to get justice. They close all the doors and they do not provide care or help for the families.  Families need all the information/documents to fight their corner.



Effects on children being forcibly  removed  from their birth family



I am a new site please check back soon. Linda






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