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Complaint of  inaccurate  reports of social workers and their management teams.

using: 000000 naming my children


Social workers not acting in the best interest of family life and showing more harm than good. Not fair game. Time for change.

As The Presedent of the family court Sir James Munby states to the news, if social workers are not acting accordingly to the laws and families have concerns they have a right not to be gagged. James Munby states that families have the right to naming and shaming their grieviences which is in the best interest of the family. 


A - The first social worker Ingrid Doheny lied in her report when she stated that my son 

defecating in his bed room that is visible on her reports, then writing he has underlined 

mental health issues, and how long that Ms Pow has been letting him to act in such a way.

using ‘could’ ‘may’ to now 'is' defecating in his bedroom. 

Mothers parenting skills  under fire.


Future Emotional Harm being written.


B - Jean Kanzara the 2nd social worker assured the court that proof of the risk 

assessment in respect of me would be seen in her recorded case notes. There was 

not a single recording of any work done. The implications of it i.e., misleading 

evidence had been given that I had actually been properly risk assessed when in fact 

I had not. Stephen Chippeck also mentions this and the first court in Stratford stated they await the full parenting assessment of Ms Pow. My case then went over to Gee stree court Judge Anthony Ansell to the final hearing. 


C - Jean Kanzara did not provide my children’s background educational reports to Dr Omer          

Moghraby for him to write a proper report on our home education which he needed I also 

sent my solicitor Gary Jacobs & Co and local authorities copies of all my children’s 

educational reports. They were not used as evidence to support our chosen home education.

I would also like to have the reports of the Elective Home Education management that I asked for Under The Freedom Of Information'. 



D – Jean Kanzara brought into the court the day before the final hearing a 130 page report regarding 

the foster carer --------------- stated that my children were told by her  that the reason my 

children are placed into care is because their father is a paedophile and their mother is unfit to care 

for them both.  The foster carer wrote a lengthy report in refuting these accusations. .  I want to make a complaint against Ms Jean Kanzara writing these words and saying to my children and making 

up this report. I would also like a copy of this report. 

The social worker failed to refer this matter to either Guardian thereby 

preventing any investigation as to whether the 2nd foster carer did make this 

remark to 0000000000. 


E - My children items stolen in the care of social worker Jean Kanzara my son’s Samsung Galley, 

and my daughters brand new I Pod Nanno which was handed to the social worker at the time 

and not returned to this day. No record has been shown.  The social worker said the police was 

given the phone. But DC Jawinderpal singh Kohli said she did not.




F- The social worker said that the IRO had investigated matters and there 

was a proper explanation. However there was no evidence that was put 

before the Court or these documents were not given to me. I would also 

like a copy.


G- The local authority failed to provide Dr Omer Moghraby with my children’ s 

home education reports that I gave to the local authority to get a better understanding  

and  background of my children’s home education. These documents were not 

provided to Dr Omer Moghraby as he mentioned in his reports of not knowing the 

children’s educational background. 


H -Enuresis was also made serious by the social workers reports but our daughter stopped wearing 

nappies before she was 1 years of age ,and has never had a problem since except the first 

night in care. The social workers reports stated that I have not taking my daughter to the 

doctors when needed. When fact is I did when looking at the doctors and nurses reports 

but this was not shown in the evidence. Withholding evidence from the courts.


I- ‘During the police interview neither children made any disclosure and therefore an 

achieving best evidence interview was not progressed, was in the police reports, ‘but still 

It seems that the local authority social workers and guardian’s took the hearsay of 

anonymous informer throughout their reportings and them branding us along the way.


J -Ingrid Doheny lied in her report and said ‘Mother is fully aware of my sons access to the 

inappropriate books and websites. Ingrid Doheny lied in this report.‘I did not say this on a 

discussion on the 6th of February 2013’. This was a lie told by Ingrid Doheny already 

Ingrid has been caught out on changing the words of my children. I have the reports. 


K-My whole case depended on absolute accuracy and reporting by social workers 

because my children’s welfare and future happiness with their much loved parents. 

Accurate recording is of the utmost importance in establishing the truth. 


(L)  If the record taking was not as it should have said Judge Anthony Ansell. 

That is an admission that these records cannot be relied upon for accuracy. . 


(M) 1st Social Worker Ingrid Doheny did have concern that our daughter in particular 

‘could’ suffer sexual harm to then, had later in other reports the social workers 

started to change these words. To my daughter complaining of sexual abuse.


(N)The social worker was implying that my partner Michael was an incestuous 

paedophile without proof or evidence.


(O) my children’s “wishing and feelings” to be reunited with their mother and 

father as soon as possible and that was the expression that was being used on 

several occasions was not written by the social workers or guardian in the right 

context. My children’s human right to have their voices heard. This was not 

one. An independent Social Worker was then brought in to 

provide my children’s true wishes for the court.


(P) The judge Anthony Ansell  also admitted that social workers reports “were 

not as good as they might have been” and that records were “not kept” 

the evidence heard in this case is misleading, unsafe and unsatisfactory.


 (Q) False evidence was being manufactured without any CCTV recording.


(R) The social workers says that the children were “doing well at school” 

when I know from my childrens' contact meetings that the bullying, punching 

and slapping that they endured came from the stigma of being in care were not 

being told in these reports.  I had to call my children’s school and complain 

about this. The social worker did not provide following up these complaints. 

Bullying is a serious matter especially for my children who are suffering being 

alienated from their family and forced into the care system of fostered children pretty frightening for any child. Certainly NO care here.


(T) False information given by Jean Kanzara the social worker who accused 

me of secretly giving my son a mobile phone under the table during a contact 

session. She was not there.  But I did give the phone to my son openly as he 

asked me during the contact for his phone on our contact meeting. I believe 

this was also written by the contact worker at Lakmini contact centre Allison 

Lodge. This would be evidence in my favour.  I was never told not to bring my 

children’s items before hand. I took 100s of items previously.


Social workers kept making up rules as they went along.  So you can see how easily it is to come out with this comment from Jean Kanzara. I never need to sneak things to my children. If they need they should have. As children's needs are important and it's part of being a parent.


 (U) Ingrid Doheny my children’s first social worker said that mother didn’t 

mind my son reading his father’s books to explore his sexuality in her report.

This was a lie and I did not say this in during any meeting.  I was very open and honest when speaking to Ingrid throughout reports.


(V) I have complaints of the Guardian Titi Akinwande inaccurate reporting also 

finished official documents were not signed or dated. and complaints with Ann Haigh liberal democrat appointed to our case a few weeks before the final hearing. And she went by the hearsay of others. 


(W) All the allegations were dropped by the police commissioner Sir Bernard Hogan- 

Howe but the social workers did not put this in their reports, and this was used against 

me throughout the hearings. These allegations were dropped in the   middle of July 

2013. Between the whole service these reports were imperative for me to get my 

children returned to my care. But they used the indecent images of children against us to the final hearing and like I say. Police Officers refuted this.


(X)I was also made homeless unfairly. This was not considered when I gave good 

reasons to the private sector leasing agency and  social workers at the time.


Y. My children did and do not find social workers or the guardians approachable.  My 

children’s needs wishes, feelings, where suppressed within their reports.  I thought it 

was the job of the guardian and social workers to provide the courts with accurate 

words of my children’s wishes and feelings but this was not done. Reasons why an 

independent advocate was brought forward.


Z.  I had ‘no risk assessment’. done by Titi Akinwande before she left our case and she went by the inaccurate reports of hearsay of some annonymous person/s.  I would also like to know what part of my parenting skills 

that I needed to bridge the gap but she never answered my questions or many of my complaints. 


(1a) My daughter was threatened for saying the word ‘vagina’ we have always taught 

our children to use the correct words when describing their body.

My daughter was  told to use  another word i.e, ‘nunny’ or ‘bits’ or ‘pieces’  This is very 

worrying as this made my daughter speak of shame and started to whisper so nobody could hear her say the word. 'vagina' We find this shocking! and I made complaints about this behavior.


(1b )I asked under the freedom of information act for all documents, on me and my family 

during these proceeding but I still have only been issued with very little. I would also like 

reports from MS Dixon and MS Fiattore as they spent more time on reporting on 

me and my children. But they also left our case.


1c,  An independent advocate was brought in when it was observed that my children’s 

wishes and feeling were not shown properly within these reports by the social workers 

and guardian's this is the role of both within their job descriptions.


1. c.c I also complained of Gareth Batley the third social worker who just left without 

passing any information that he was leaving. I left him with very important documents; he 

left everyone else bewildered and nobody knowing who was the next social worker. I 

left Gareth very important bank statements with and all my travelling receipts. Who did 

not pass on any information to the new social worker Nyarai Marconi. He also did not 

inform Allison Lodge contact centre. Lakmini contact centre also had complaints about 

this area of care.

The now foster carer  was also not informed of Gareth Batley leaving. Nobody 

knew what was happening,


(1d)I also complained  not being invited to the LAC review. My family was not notified. 

 I got my first letter inviting me to attend  on 8th 

August 2014.


( 1e)Gareth Batley cancelled our Wednesday phone contact without going through the 

proper channels. when we asked for more.


(1f)  LAC was not arranged for my children to attend the meeting in the way the IRO hand 

book states. The meetings have not been arranged for any family to attend.. There was no Agenda for anyone.


(1g)My children’s health was in serious risk with my son putting on well over 2stone in 

4months. I made serious continuous complaints and no one addressed these serious issues.


(1h)My daughter who when taken to the dentist by Ms Williams the first carer when 

she had a filling. I told the foster carer that my daughter cannot have any mercury as she is 

allergic...... This was not taken seriously as to why today my daughter had serious 

issues with her gums rotting where the Mercury filling  placed.


(1i) I complained of my children drinking Pepsi cola first thing in the morning before 

going to school a serious health issue. Was not taken seriously by the Independent 

Reviewing Officer.......................................................


(1j)I complained of my children travelling in cars for many hours without exercise.


(1k)The social workers or guardian were withholding serious information to my daughter 

sleep walking during the night crying for her father. My son told me of the trauma that 

my daughter has been suffering since being forced into care.

( these are also the reports I would like)


(1l)I have complained of my telephone contact being cancelled and not being carried out 

in the appropriate way. This was being cancelled in a sinister way by Gareth Batley. It 

was also he  called and emailed me to take down a posting that I made to my social media site on facebook with the picture of the BAAF document that showed that my children were placed in foster carer till they are 18years five months before the final hearing. I have the written proof. Gareth 

Batley checked my facebook account and asked me to remove these documents. 


(1m) I made many complaints by email and by phone to Jean Kanzara but she ignored my 

daughter who suffered from car sickness she did not respond to any of these complaints.


(1n) social workers Jean Kanzara or  Nyarai Marconi – did not attend reviews.


(1o) All social workers did not keep in contact with contact centres who were confused 

many a time of the do’s and don’t while I am in contact with my children. But new orders kept on coming. I couldn't take my children to see the Lion King.? just it would be inappropriate.


(1.0 ) Jean Kanzara told one of the contact workers at Allison Lodge that I cannot take my 

children swimming as they will not be able to see our facial expression under the water. I told her that I am a fully qualified swimming teacher an old site that I shared for them. If it was regarding health and Safety.


(z. 1 ) I would like to know what is said about me as I hear now that Nyarai Marconi 

before leaving told the new contact worker that my children’s father and mother have a 

paedophile ring. who was telling all the local authority workers so I will need to be informed where this came about.. Never mentioned throughout the reports. That's called slander as my police friends tell me. They know my children very well. 

I will now take these matters further.


(z.2)  Jean Kanzara started in her report the local authority states that my children should 

not be placed or be seeking to rehabilitate the children to be returned to their parents... I would like to hear the reason why in writing with signatures and dates.


(z. 3) Jean Kanzara did not write a full wishes and feeling in any of her reports on what 

my children were asking for. My children were complaining at this point.


( z.4) My children are also complaining about the reports of social workers and Guardian 

and Officer Kate Shepherds LAC review reporting. Not accurate. shocking. and the teachers were also complaining during what should have been a planned LAC review.. Nobody knew much about what the meeting was about PEP it was called and school was calling management.


( z.5) There was no reports sent from Gareth Batley who was supposed to be my children's social worker and my right under  freedom of 



( z.6) Jean Kanzara and Ms  Dixon when I was under arrest by DC Jaswinderpal Singh 

Kohli. Jean Kanzara told me they called and spoke to DC Kohli to make sure I would be 

making the contact with my children in Collier Row contact centre... DC Kohli told me he 

will make sure I get to my contact on time. And when I was released I called Jean 

Kanzara and Hayley who assured me my children will be at the contact centre. I paid out 

for a taxi to make the contact on time but my children did not attend. I made serious 

complaints to Jean Kanzara.  She assured me she spoke to DC Kohli but he said that

nobody on that day had contacted him. And Jean lied once again. This day was also 

written by Ian the contact worker.


(z. 7) I would also like to know what parenting skills I am missing as Jean like to write in 

her reports. I would like to know what facts she has concerning my parenting skills.


( z.8) Jean Kanzara stated in her report that I had said to her that my children’s father is 

very good at psychology.  This is also a lie. I never describe him in this way.


( z.9) a cut on my son’s toe while in Essex was blown out of all context within the social 

workers reports. What was never being noted is that I have first aid certificates and advanced 

resucitation certificates. And I have always cared for my children as the medical records and 

nurses records also show. These were not provided to the court.

And as all children love to make a little drama into a crisis. It’s pretty normal for children 

to do this. 

Reporters were not reporting accurately and not using evidence to support me or my family. Family is top priority.


(z.10) Jean Kanzara also stated in her reports that my children were below expected levels 

of education without understanding the values and beliefs of Home Education. She did not 

take this seriously. Or did not take the time to read the Elective Home Education reports that 

was sent to their offices.....


( z.11) Jean Kanzara said in her report Ms Pow does not see anything wrong with the 

human naked body?   ' I would like to know what she sees in her human naked body?'


( z.12) Jean Kanzara also states that my son 00000000000 is fixated about adult explicit material. 

She forgot to mention this was only after his first experience of sex education lesson at the 

school they were made to attend putting condoms on Bananas recorded by collier 

row contact centre. Everyone found this amusing but the social workers who then started using the words fixated and explicit sexual material. School giving him condoms at the age of twelve to encourage children?


( z.13) My children’s health, safety, and care  was certainly not provided by any of the 

social workers apart from Ms Dixon. I wrote a report for her records before she left. 

Hayley who sorted out the lack of care that Ms Jean Kanzara did not do. I wrote her a wonderful reference.


( z. 14) Jean Kanzara said that my son is vindictive and aggressive without evidence 


( z.15) Jean Kanzara also stated that I will be moving next to foster carers. I don’t 

know where this came from. But I said no such thing. These are silly comments and I just 

don’t know why these comments are being written without me saying such things.


( z.16) I would like to see the parenting assessment that Jean Kanzara holds of me.


( z.17) Complaints where Ms Kanzara said she called me on many occasions when infact 

she had not as I have an answering services and there was never any missed calls during her 



( z. 18) There was no good communication skills between the social workers and contact 

workers when questions needed to be answered. I certainly know this as fact within the contact 

workers at Allison Lodge. And staff and foster carers will also tell the same story.


I have attached all emails that I wrote to Ms Kanzara.

I probably have more complaints but this is enough at this time.


Inaccurate reports are serious and google shows the the high numbers of families complaining to having their children stolen from their care with the same inaccurate reports.



Kind Regards Linda Pow




Updated reports ongoing to attending the Royal courts of justice for an Injunction order the local authorities want to now place since serious threats have been targeted to persons within the local authorities by a representative who was going to support me in getting my children out of the care of the local authorities. He became to emotionally involved and started being more threatening.  Court case on 7th August 2pm at the Thomas Moore building at the Royal Royal Courts of Justice. Come along for the education?



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