Child Care Matters
Forcing Children away from their Biological Families
brings shame to
'The Family Division Units'
One Love
2013 - We share the repeated lies , to the hidden documents , the silence of voices , disturbing Social Service Workers, CEO's & management , to The Lords holding them to account on the other side of the coin.
Updating link 4th October 2023 Community Challenge ( CC )
This site will help to see and provide support against the secret Family Courts in the UK.
Welcome to Family Public Care
''Care' The word they took out of the public services within 'The 'Familly Courts' Stealing children?
Is Adoption Trauma?
Listly by Laurie Garland
For Justice.
Law Enforcer Officer's view
Family LAW = world4justice
Help families for justice here in the UK's 'Family Division Unit'
So far Around 36,500,000 results 25th October 2014
Forced Adoption | Punishment without crime
'Our main objectives must be to persuade the UK government to abolish “FORCED ADOPTION” and stop “PUNISHMENT WITHOUT CRIME”. We have laws in ...'
Reforms - Contact
You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 13/10/14
Forced adoption in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia, the free
'Forced adoption is a term used by critics of the practice of removing children permanently from their parents and the subsequent adoption of those children', ...
Criticism - Support - References - External links
You've visited this page 3 times. Last visit: 06/09/14
Millionaire helping pregnant women flee UK to avoid babies ...
13 Jul 2014 - Forced adoption opponent Mr Josephs, who runs a language business and has a law degree, has defended his decision to fund their escape, ...
How we saved our grandchild from a forced adoption ...
28 Jan 2014 - Forced adoption: Now two years old, India Parker was almost taken away from her grandparents Katrina and Lee (pictured) despite them ...
BBC News - Families flee UK to avoid forced adoption
6 Oct 2014 - Some families who feel they are at risk of forced adoptions are fleeing the UK to escape social services.
Forced Adoption and the Mums on the Run - BBC › Factual › Consumer
The underground networks helping mums on the run from social services and forced adoptions.
UK MP John Hemming On the forced adoption and forcing ...
Linda Pow
3 Sep 2014 - On the forced adoption and forcing children away from parents... Please foolow and share and lets get the message out! Refugees from the UK with Ian Josephs ...
Forced Adoption in the UK: Child Protection
25th Jul 2014 - Critics say forced adoption without criminal activity is "punishment without … When a couple brought their newborn son to a hospital with a .
Forced Adoption | Child Protection Resource
Forced Adoption. Here we look at the concept of 'forced adoption'. This is a phrase we often hear used by people like Ian Josephs and the MP John Hemming ...
Against Forced Adoption | Facebook
Against Forced Adoption. 498 likes · 2 talking about this. This site has been created to protest against the Forced Adoption policy created by the UK...
Have you been affected by Forced Adoption, or does Social ...
15 Feb 2014 - We have three facebook pages They Have Got My Kids, Social Services Have Got My Kids, Forced Adoption Exposed, and The Children's Judicial Review which ...
Kellie Cottam
Searches related to forced adoption
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