The Satyr

White Lines
Chapter 2
Rex didn’t have to go to work because he was quite rich and followed in his father’s
footsteps. He had been a rich and successful pornographer and he left the royalties on his
films to his two children Alicia and Rex. He had another house in Surrey and after the Jenny
shoot he drove down there.
Rex stared out the window at the gardener who was mowing the lawn. He just came in
every week and did the front and back gardens and Rex paid him cash in an envelope no
paperwork. Rex just had a complete aversion to paperwork and tax returns and he wouldn’t
do it.
Of course he kept saying that he should get an accountant but he had a bookkeeper who
handled it well and a solicitor to do all the things he needed.
Rex didn’t do much business anyway except get a few pics published on websites after he
had offered them free. He got nothing but the photos and videos for websites and magazines
that were framed and all around his studio. He liked to see his pictures published but the
reproduced pictures of models impressed other girls and made it easier for him to seduce
them and that’s why he worked to get girls.
He always found it more exciting if they didn’t let him have sex with him straight away. He
downloaded the pics he had taken today onto his laptop and started to look at them.”Fucking
hell she is really sexy” he thought, he would book her again for a couple of hours again
soon. Another shoot with Jenny would get him turned on like he was now looking at the
images he had made today. He pulled his penis out over the top of his tracksuit bottoms and
began t masturbate. “How am I going to fuck you my little sweetie” he thought.
The Club
Chapter 3
He had bought a little supper club in Brewer Street, Soho and only he and a couple of
friends went there as it was by invitation only. He fancied going over there now. He went
downstairs got in his mini Cooper and started up. Then he drove on the crown of the road
despite the Brighton to London Road being crowded. He would drive watching for a clear
road ahead then push down hard on the accelerator pedal passing the car in front with a roar
of his tweaked engine. Sometimes he passed several cars at once with other drivers
sounding their horns as he sped past.
In Soho he drove into the five storey car park in Brewer Street, Soho took his laptop off the
passenger seat then walked over the road to his club. There was no doorman because all
members had a key. He took out his, opened the door and walked up the stairs. There were
only two of his friends there who were pleased to see him Trevor and Rupert.
“Time to celebrate, got a beautiful little girl” Rex said taking a bottle of champagne out of the
fridge. He opened his laptop. “Take a look at 18 year old Jenny old chaps” Rex said laughing
and pouring out the champagne.
“I certainly would love to suck that smooth little cunt and get her to suck me off” Trevor said
bursting out laughing.
“Give her a DP” Rupert said chuckling.
“Hey remember Angel when we all fucked her per anum. I give her that she could take in it
that girl even when Rex rammed his huge todger up her and fucked her arse as if it were a
cunt” Trevor said.
“Who wants a toot?” Rex said pulling out a little plastic bag of the best Peruvian flake
cocaine and pouring out a little pile on the table then taking a dagger from a clip on sheaf on
his waistband he began to chop up the crystals and arrange them into lines.
The coke hit Rex’s brain and he felt himself getting bigger, more powerful. He wanted to
exercise some of that power now. “Hey, why don’t we get that dirty girl over again? What’s
her name, you know the slutty looking blonde chick” he said looking at the other two faces
who were eyeing the lines of coke. He handed a rolled up twenty pound note to Trevor.”Here
you are Trev.”
“Kitty you mean” Rupert replied.
Trevor snorted the white line up his nose blocking the other nostril with his forefinger. “That’s
fucking wicked” he said giggling. “Yeah let’s phone Kitty” he said feeling that he wanted dirty
drugged sex. He remembered Kitty who said that she was only eighteen sucking them all off
and taking the spunk all over her face.
Rupert put a DVD in his laptop and Kitty appeared on the screen. “Yeah she is so fucking
hot had orgasms just sucking our cocks and masturbating. She is a dirty little working class
slut and deserves a jolly good spanking and punishment fucking” he said a superior smirk on
his face.
“Be quiet a minute Rupert I’m just going to see if she can come. Hello is Kitty available?
Yes tell her it’s Rex.”
“Hello Kitty, I wonder if you would like to come over the club tonight” Rex asked.
“I might, it depends how many hours work and how many guys?” Kitty replied in a
businesslike manner.
“Rupert, Trevor and me make three. I’ll book you for two hours” Rex said.
“Two hundred” Kitty replied quickly.
“Two hundred” Rex agreed thinking “I’ll fuck her arsehole hard tonight.”
While they waited for Kitty Rex chopped up a few more lines and they all snorted them.
The doorbell rang”That’s her Rex said smiling and went to answer the door.
“Come in Kitty my dear” Rex said taking her hand and leading her into the room where
Rupert and Trevor wearing shades were sitting in front of the glass topped coffee table that
had several lines of coke on it.
Kitty saw the coke lines and smiled and stood looking down at them as if fascinated.
Rex knew that she was clucking. “Have a toot Kitty babe” he encouraged handing her a
rolled up banknote. He liked girls to snort because then they were much dirtier and would do
anything he knew that from experience.
Kitty pressed her forefinger to the side of her right nostrils and began to inhale the white
powder, going along the line until it was all up her nose. She felt the bitter taste in the back
of her throat. “Urrgh got a drink anyone” she asked.