Murder Attempt
Chapter 2
I was in Ronnie’s flat one day when the doorbell rang and I looked at him questioning look on my face.
“Tonner”Ronnie said laconically and ran down the stairs to let him in.
I studied the hand grenade with a length of string attached to the firing pin that Ronnie would throw down the stairs to deter more unwelcome visitors. I had never met Tonner but had learned from Ronnie that he was an Arab and a coke dealer. I noticed that when Ronnie drew his assistance money using his bank card he would disappear for three of four days until he had spent it all on coke.
I heard them click their heels and greet each other with “Heil Hitler” I first heard Ronnie use the Nazi salute when he spoke to Tonner on the phone but he had explained that he was just messing about. I remembered doing it myself when I was 14 but I had learned that the Arabs were on the side of Hitler during the 2nd World War and regarded him with reverence.
As they walked up the stairs chatting rapidly in Dutch of which I had barely learned a few words my right hand checked to see if my dagger was okay and easily accessible. I sensed danger and I was on full red alert as they entered the small living room.
“This is Tonner Mike” Ronnie introduced me to an Arab dressed in a track suit that I noticed was unzipped and I caught a glance of a knife clipped onto his waistband. Ronnie’s top was unzipped too and although I was sitting down on the settee they both remained standing.
“Pleased to meet you Tonner” I said sticking out my right hand to grasp his and shaking hands. The tension was electric now as I watched them manoeuvre into attack positions. I was lower than them my throat on level with their sharp blades but I never rose to my feet because I felt myself growing into a giant so that my head almost touched the ceiling and I was looking down upon these two wretched creatures on whose faces was now stamped a look of terror. My eyes glittered as I grasped the handle of my dagger and I knew that I could decapitate them both with one terrible sweep of my arm.
I had imagined that I had hallucinated the incident but later when I questioned Ronnie who I got to admit that he and Tonner had planned to kill me I asked him why?
“We thought that you were a Mossad agent and thought we would get a big reputation for ourselves then we found out you could grow!” Ronnie explained.
I remembered the time that Hawley had me at his mercy my shoulders pinned to the stairs and the glitter of his blade then suddenly I was standing on his shoulders and flying through the air and rolling along the carpet to grasp the battle axe that I swung in a vicious arc to half severe his left upper arm, draw the dagger from its sheave then crouch in the knife fighter position stand my extended arm plunging the dagger to the hilt into his chest. I had gone over the incident many times in my head but avoided the fact, so brainwashed that we are, that I possessed magical powers but now I knew because when I thought that is my imagination that I was growing Ronnie and Tonner had seen me I knew!
The Plot
Chapter 6
I suspected that Der Dave was a spy and that the Hong Kong credit card he used had been issued to him by some enemy of mine possibly Chinese. He took me to this restaurant two or three times and always insisted on paying the bill. As we left and crossed the Leidespleine on the way to my flat that he wanted to see and I had reluctantly agreed, I mentioned that my friend Hennie Cornelisse had started The Bulldog.
“I did not know that” he remarked.
At my flat I got him pissed on whisky and he begged to stay the night.
“Just this once Mike” he pleaded.
“Okay but you will have to piss out of the window” I said because the bathroom was in the room where I slept and I didn’t trust him.
“I piss out of the window” he agreed.
I drew the big heavy divider across the middle of the apartment that really was a long room with street windows at the front and at the back that looked out onto the quadrangle of adjoining streets and neighbours gardens, and locked him in. He couldn’t get to the toilet and would have to “piss out of the window” I thought laughing.
I was woken early in the morning with him shouting for me to let him out.
“Breakfast, I must have my breakfast” he said urgently.
“Well go down to the shops, buy some food and bring it back to cook” I replied.
“I don’t have any cash on me” he informed me.
“Use your credit card” I suggested.
“No it’s only for restaurants” he replied.
“Here you are but I am late for a business appointment so I am leaving too” I said dismissively giving him ten guilders sure now that was spying on me... I could see that like most people if he didn’t eat breakfast he would get stomach pains. I still only ate in the evenings a practice that I had followed for years even in prison.