Naughty Girl
“That’s it stick that bottom right out” Ethel said picking up a slipper and bringing down across Brenda’s buttocks again and again until they were a dark shade of red. Brenda squirmed and wriggled about saying “Ouch” and emitting a little whine every time the slipper struck her bottom. “No, no more please, I’ll be good” she begged.
The spanking went on for what seemed ages and Brenda’s behind was really getting sore and she didn’t have to act anymore. “Cut, that’s a wrap everyone and congratulations Brenda you were marvellous absolutely convincing, just like a naughty school girl, marvellous and I would like to make a series of films with you, big productions where you will be on location for a week with other actors and actresses. Also am going to give you a little bonus for yourself. Well done my dear” Rex gushed and coming forward he kissed and hugged her. “Wow you certainly made an impression on Rex. He has been on the blower raving about you. Got my end? You know my thirty per cent Stanton asked.
“Yes it’s here” replied Brenda taking the envelope out of her that Rex had given her and handing it to Stanton.
Stanton opened the envelope and counted off three hundred pounds and gave her the rest. “Seven hundred, not bad for a day’s work, but I know that your ass will be so fucking striped that you will only be able to work doing spanking films. That’s one of the reasons Rex pays a grand” Stanton explained. “Oh I like him he is nice, and his wife” Brenda replied not telling Stanton of the three hundred bonus that Rex had given her. “Well he said that he wants to use you again next week but with those marks you can only do more spanking” Stanton said. “You could do another one tomorrow if you wanted. There is this guy who does spanked babysitter movies where the sitter does something and the couple spank her. Do you want to do more spanking?”