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Threats from Above
Chapter 9
We were all on the coach going to the naturist beach at Sandwich in Kent. It was a Sunday, a nice sunny day and everyone was in good spirits and when we arrived and filed off the coach one would have thought that we were just a collections of families and their children going to the seaside but when we passed a sign saying “Nudists only past this point” then the band of ordinary looking people became part of a small minority who congregated together, and played together naked as the day that they were born and were objects of curiosity, fun and jokes to “normal” people.  We arrived at the beach, supposedly out of out of the way of prying eyes, and performed the symbolic act of shedding our inhibitions by taking all our clothes off but as I undressed my eyes spotted a movement high up on the sand dunes above us and I knew that a peeper was spying on our nakedness.  Being a voyeur I laughed to myself thinking that if I was not a naturist I might be the peeper myself and I pretended not to see. “I shall we go for a run?” I suggested to Sara. “Yes, great” she replied. “Who is coming for a run?” I shouted and Lola,
I Pornographer
Christine and several other children, but no adults, joined us as we started to jog along the beach running through the water on the edge of the shoreline.  It was brilliant running naked and as I ran I realised that I had not only shed my clothes but with them all traces of the contemporary world and on this beach the world was the same as it had ever been then I heard the sound of applause and clapping which destroyed the illusion. I led the band of runners up the sand dunes to discover where the noise came from and as I got to the top and looked in the direction of the applause I noticed the back of large spectator stands in the distance and realised that it was the place where golf tournaments were held.  I ran along the top of the dunes to where I had noticed the movement earlier on and to my surprise I noticed that someone had built a foxhole with a wooden board over the top and I ran over the top of it and so did the rest of us sending sand falling down inside and onto the peeper inside.  He must have known the game was up because I saw a man scuttling away clutching a camera and pair of binoculars shortly afterwards as I ran back down the dunes and along the beach.  I did not run very fast as most children can only run for a short distance and Sara and I was the only experienced runners there. When we got back everyone was puffing and panting except Sara and I but also laughing and happy with the excitement of it all.

Sara and I lay down on the sand and began to sunbathe and you could tell that we were used to naked sunbathing because we did not have white buttocks or Sara white breasts. Christine lay down beside Sara and her parents Gary and Jean next to us. “What if I was to tell you that I was a copper” Gary said propping himself up on one elbow and looking at me in a strange way. “A nude copper” I retorted laughing. “I mean does that bother you?” he insisted. “No why should it?” I replied. “Because you are a pornographer” he replied. “But I have made no secret of the fact and I’m not doing anything that is illegal” I answered. “But I thought that I ought to tell you because my daughter Christine has taken a liking to your girlfriend Sara and you may think that I am a spy in the camp” he explained. “The naked spy” I joked. “Seriously Mike, you don’t mind what I do for a living?” he said. “Of course not because in this day and age and the society in which we live needs a police force and I know that there are a lot of good coppers around, people who want to protect others, the weak and children for example. No Gary you look like a good guy to me.” “Oh that’s good I thought that I had better tell you that’s all” he said now smiling. His wife Jean who had been listening to our conversation looked at me and smiled too.
I Pornographer
“To tell you the truth one of my relations is in the job and rising through the ranks” I confided. “Really” Gary replied smiling. We had a nice day out and on the way back I noticed that the boys and girls who had played unself-consciously together when they were naked were now antagonising each other with the boys prodding the girls and one boy in particular armed with a plastic pistol becoming a nuisance.  I supposed that naturist children were the same as all other children really but it just seemed to me that they got on much better together when they were naked. “Mike did you know that the Game for a Laugh team are coming to Eureka on Funday to make a television program of us?” Gary informed me “No” I said in surprise. “Yes but they can’t show any nudity on the tele can they?” Gary observed. “No but the hypocrites will edit the footage carefully and no doubt blur out the forbidden parts of people’s bodies” I replied. “But why do they want to make a program about nudists if they can’t show any naked people”? Gary asked a puzzled look on his face. “Because the television companies earn more money the higher their ratings and the mention of nudity will ensure lots of viewers. All they are going to do is to make fun of us” I said a plan forming in my mind. 

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